Sunao Ijiri

A man who really needs to quit smoking...


Sunao Ijiri
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: Au Ra - Raen
Nameday: 31st Sun/4th Astral Moon
Occupation: Onmyouji
Religion: The Kami
Eorzean Patron Deity: Azeyma, The Warden
Alignment: Neutral Good


From top to bottom, Sunao sports short, gray hair, neatly cut Green eyes set behind glasses sitting on a straight, thin nose. His horns and scales are white enough to stand clear against his gray color scheme with large horns shaped like kris.A man average height for his race and gender, though rather sturdy in build. Colorless begins to take on true meaning with his gray skin, a hint of a tattoo may peek out when when not wearing gloves. Has a rather nondescript tail.


To put it simply, he is a man who generally focuses on one thing at a time. Though a civil servant under the government, he found himself better suited to moving about the country on his lonesome, particularly when dealing with unscrupulous mages and violent spirits or supernatural creatures. He speaks and works with an air of someone raised up from a lower class and so more often than not he will often display mannerisms that reflect that former station.While not a man of vices, he will often partake of smoking seemingly more out of habit than any real sense of pleasure, as if it was something one just did. Slow to make both friends and enemies, he walks the line with the knowledge that nothing is permanent and so while not unfriendly there is a noticeable distance between himself and anyone he tends to hang around.Oddly spiritual, but does not suffer the zealous or the self-righteous who would use any deity as a shield to justify their actions or an excuse to look down upon others.And overall the man can be likened to a floating raincloud in both appearance and everyday interactions.

A History

The man known as Sunao was born as thus, having no family name and born to a humble little village in a part of Hingashi that was of little historical or geological importance. Just another child who'd lost his parents to one of the many problems that might plague a village living away from the hustle and bustle of civilization: Bandits, sickness or simply being abandoned.And so the boy lived his life, scrounging, scraping and even thievery from unaware travelers. Until he happened across one man who was not so unaware and beat Sunao within an ilm of his life, a Hyuran man who would, for reasons known only to himself, decided to take the freshly bloodied Raen under his wing (and under his arm, considering that Sunao had long gone unconscious.The man known as Yu, who also had no family name, and yet a family of sorts, dragged Sunao into a life of (more organized) crime under a small time gang sect who eventually had plans to expand their petty businesses into more populous areas.Life had been hard on his own and yet even with help it became harder for Sunao under the gang, but the boy who soon became a man...he thrived, for better or worse and from his earliest age to the cusp of manhood did he steal, beat and even kill for those who were the only real family he'd had.At least until finally, they'd crossed over into Kugane, where our Raen would yet again work under someone else for a time until he met a gnarled old root of a Raen who'd happened to be in the wrong place at the right time.An elderly woman who went by name of Takara...

RP Hooks

  • Spellbinder - A fairly simple one. Sunao generally traveled Koshu, Shishu, Othard and surrounding Islands alone, capturing mages who were less than ethical with their studies with a specialized subset of skills capable of dealing with spellslingers.

  • Onmyouji - A magical discipline conceived in Hingashi, Sunao deals with spirits gone awry, as well as divination, exorcisms, blessings and unusual beasts, Tsukumogami and undead.

  • Underworld survivor - Sunao worked under a small time criminal organization that'd slowly been making their way up until they were destroyed in a raid by the Sekiseigumi in an ill-advised move to Kugane. Barely a footnote under more notorious groups, Sunao nevertheless often became entertainment in a pit while his superiors did business.

OOC Information

Hullo, if you have made it to this section, I'm simply going over some things that will be important to you, should you wish to RP with me in the future.First, I am over 21 and expect my partners to be so as well.I am an RPer on the Mateus server that sits in the NA Datacenter. While things have relatively gone back to normal and I generally work at least 3 times a week at minimum. The times I am available vary wildly depending on the schedule for the week but on off days I am generally available for RP at any point from about 9AM-12 PM(PST)I am open to pretty much any form of RP, though more mature topics require discussions beforehand. Plot-lines, things like that I am also open to if you have ideas that you wish to share I will listen/lend my brain. Romance is also fine and the things that come with it.And, more than anything, please be aware that I am owed none of your time and you are owed none of mine. Real life should always come first and I will not beg you for your attentions nor should you beg me for mine. If you wish to RP then we can and we will when possible, but always remember that "no" and all similar words are not taboo. We are here to have fun more than anything.